Bob Carrs China Coup
Bob's been working for Australia's humiliating defeat for some time, will he be happy now ?
One alternative for the (Chinese) Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing would be to have the freeze run to the next federal election expected in early 2019. This would allow a re-elected Turnbull to complete the process of returning to a pragmatic China policy or, in the event of a change of government, gift the opportunity to a new Labor government eager for a trademark diplomatic win.
Bob Carr, 11 August 2018, SCMP (CCP controlled HK media)
Bob must be happy, Labor is in power, helped by a team effort with the CCP1. Whether or not he really had a hand in China's strategy we will never know, but he has consistently undermined our country’s ability to stand up to China, and now he can crow with delight at our nations defeat.
Personal Bonds:
China Apologist and AFR2 international editor, James Curran noted:
The Peoples Daily noted Xi Jin Ping had some meetings that day.
Paul Mashatile from South Africa is the winner in the “let’s not let Xi make me look too awkward in the power handshake” competition. But I’d still like to see someone pretend to be left handed in this situation.
At Pains to Not Make Australia Look Important:
It was a busy day on November 6, Xi had many important things to do,
meet the Fengqiao work method delegates,
write a letter to the OBOR Technical group, and
meet some representatives from unimportant nations.
Win Win:
Xi wants to look powerful and respected, and create the impression that China has some friends other than international pariah’s - Russia, Iran, and Cambodia.
Albo wanted to pretend to Australians that there was a breakthrough in relations.
Xi took the opportunity to talk down to him and demonstrate to China and the world that Australia had capitulated and was just one of China’s many minor relationships.
Albo managed to make it look like an achievement.
Public Opinion Guidance For Chinese Viewers:
Different Chinese media had identical reports and front pages, take as example, CCTV.
CCTV phone news app front page:
Were the other countries invited just to dilute the optics of Xi meeting Albanese ? All were there for the Import Fair the day earlier.
On CCTV Television coverage, viewers got to see these scenes (below):
Disciple (Albo) Takes Notes:
To romantic music, Albo takes notes from the leader of the world, to replicate for the Chinese audience the obsequious behaviour of flunkies at CCP meetings.
Standard “CCP Lifted China Out Of Poverty” BS3
Foreigners are required to boost the fiction that the post Mao recovery describes the whole of the CCP’s disastrous rule. CCP (a thuggish dictatorship that bullied Australia)….deserves “respect and praise”.
Albo Reading From Notes:
Who wrote these notes ? Xi’s staff ? Albo says so little, surely he could have memorised it before turning up ? Or did Xi’s minions present it to him on arrival ? Sure looks that way.
Public Opinion Guidance For Foreign Audiences:
For Foreign Consumption Only - Putting on a Show
Twitter won’t let me embed in substack so I shamelessly copied this from Will Glasgow’s Twitter. It’s the military for an indoor mock troop review for Albanese, inside the Great Hall of The People.
We can guess it is the same troops doing the same performance in the same place four times in a day, one for each national leader, kind of like Moulin Rouge girls doing matinee and evening performances.
It’s hard work, but Chairman of everything has a personal bond (of sorts) with these leaders so he wants to make them feel special.
China is after all the home of mass production.
So What Was Said ?
Xi Jin Pings Dressing Down of Albanese:
According to the identical text in all Chinese media, Xi Jin Ping made the following salient points.
Non salient points have been ignored for brevity.4
两国没有历史恩怨纠葛,There is no historical entanglement between the two countries.
At great cost, Australia proudly assisted in defending South Korea from communist attack. China has never apologised for its role in starting and enlarging this war.
没有根本利益冲突. There is no fundamental conflict of interest
We want to maintain our sovereignty, freedom and democracy. 14 demands in order to turn Australia into a subservient state are a fundamental conflict of interest.
完全可以成为相互信任、we can completely trust each other
Did the last decade not happen ? China has proven over and over to Australia and the world that both its spoken5 and printed6 word is meaningless.
双方应该在世界大势的深刻变化中把握中澳关系正确发展方向 grasp the correct development direction of Sino-Australia relations in changes of the world trend.
“世界大势的深刻变化” is the change where China is the boss and Australia is the supplicant. Australia should accept this reality and meekly obey.
各国不是各自乘坐在190多条小船上,而是乘坐在一条命运与共的大船上. Countries are not on more than 190 small boats, but on a big ship with a shared destiny.
Xi Jin Ping wants a China centred world where China leads a “Community of Shared Destiny” (人类命运共同体7)essentially China managing world governance. He is saying, Australia is small, get in China’s boat.
充分发挥中澳自由贸易协定潜能 Give full play to the potential of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
A typically arrogant statement given the trade coercion of the past years. This amounts to Verbal bullying.
为两国企业投资经营提供良好营商环境 Provide a good business environment for enterprises of the two countries to invest and operate
Australian companies with world beating expertise in mining, agriculture, finance and other services never had equal access to the Chinese market.
Legitimate security concerns have led to restrictions on Chinese investment.
Xi is commanding Australia to let Chinese party-state directed corporations control key infrastructure and assets, in Australia, with no reciprocation, and in violation of our security interests.
We should support legislative bodies, political parties, think tanks, youth and local exchanges, enhance mutual understanding, and build a solid foundation of friendship between the two countries.
a). China cut off all exchanges. don’t lecture us on this.
b). All organisations in China are CCP controlled. The primary purpose of exchanges is influence and interference.
小圈子解决不了全球面临的大挑战. Small circles can't solve the big challenges facing the world
Don’t form the QUAD, don’t form AUKUS, Don’t get too friendly with NATO.
China wants multi-party cooperation with Australia to support South Pacific countries to enhance development resilience, address challenges such as climate change, and maintain peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.
Get used to China being a South Pacific player, don’t compete, we are in charge of your common destiny now.
Albanese’s Humble Ingratiation Session
Albanese got to read out some trite comments on a piece of paper he constantly referred to.
It reads like something cooked up in the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
中国在脱贫和发展方面取得惊人成就。China solving poverty is a great success.
polite but not factual
中国长期稳定持续发展使澳大利亚和世界获益良多,China’s long term continuous development has been of great benefit to Australia
True, but the wrong message to be sending. They need to know we can survive without them, and they need us more than we need them.
双方应该相互尊重、The two sides should mutually respect each other.
CCP directed media has called Australia “dogs”. We have never insulted China, ever. We now transition from “running dog” to “lap dog”.
澳中两国政治体制不同,有分歧很正常,但不应让分歧定义两国关系。Australia and China have different political systems, and it is normal to have differences, but differences should not be allowed to define the relations between the two countries.
This is a wrong and dangerous message to be sending. Differences absolutely do define relations between Australia and China.
As a Dictatorship, China can never be accepted among civilised nations until the CCP ends its monopoly of power.
We cannot interact with China in the same way in which we interact with other nations. Many organisations, notably universities and media outlets, have failed to appreciate this. Much needs to be done in Australia to fight CCP influence and interference.
澳方坚持一个中国政策 Australia upholds the One China Policy.
In the short two minute video CCTV coverage, we can hear Albanese’s voice. At no point does he mention the One China Policy.
In the five minute CCTV coverage, a Chinese narrator speaks for him, and says that Australia upholds the One China Policy.8
澳方愿同中方就太平洋岛国论坛等地区事务加强沟通。Australia is willing to strengthen communication with China on regional affairs such as the Pacific Islands Forum.
Poverty reduction in the South Pacific is a nice idea, but there are hundreds of millions of rural Chinese poorer than those in Vanuatu or the Solomon Islands.
China is in the South Pacific to steal fish and build military bases. Does Australia now legitimise this ?
Chinese vs Australian Perceptions:
So while one victorious vision of Sino Australian rapprochement has been pitched to Australian audiences, the Chinese population have witnessed that Australian resistance has finally been crushed, and the trend of the times is unstoppable.
Now What ?
Politically, Albanese and Wong have succeeded in fooling much of The Australian populace.
Australia has now demonstrated that we can be divided and are easily beaten.
China has saved face over trade sanctions by not having the cases go to the WTO, and lose publicly. They now know they can get away with this strategy at low reputational cost.
China has released Cheng Lei, and got the media and politicians to go along with the pretence that she committed a crime and was dealt with according to a legal system. This further reinforces the norm that if someone is Chinese by race, China has the right to control them, and their Australian citizenship is irrelevant and we should look the other way. Expect Yang Heng Jun to be completely forgotten.
Politicians are now scared to call out Chinese bullying in all its forms - no chest beating please, we’re Australian. OPTUS telecommunications9 had a historic technical outage following the meetings in China (Nov 8), and while we have no reason to believe it was a Chinese cyber attack, we do know that if it was, the government would deny it for fear of upsetting Beijing.
We cannot trust government statements where China is concerned.
Chinese owned social media remains controlled by the CCP and malignly influences political discourse in this country.
Universities and other bodies continue to pander to the propaganda and organisational work requirements of the CCP and united front organisations.
The Albanese governments capitulation is part of the ongoing process of wearing down Australia’s sovereignty. Bob will no doubt be celebrating with some nuts.
CCP controlled social media working against the Coalition at the last election, United Front support and cooperation, maintaining the freeze until Labor won…. seems like a team effort to me, more than just tacitly.
Australian Financial Review
CCP took a poor country and made it poorer, by civil war and from 1949 to 1976, by misrule. Albo is lying to flatter Xi and is effectively doing propaganda work for the dictatorship.
eg, Australia is in the Pacific, etc.
spoken: Xi on White House lawn - “China will never militarise the South China Sea” written: UNCLOS, Hong Kong Basic Law (香港基本法)Australia China Trade Agreement….. China uses agreements to bind others, and does what it wants. It’s word therefore has no value.
written: UNCLOS, Hong Kong Basic Law (香港基本法)Australia China Trade Agreement ….China uses agreements to bind others, and does what suits it at whim. It’s words and commitments have no meaning or value.
人类命运共同体 began has a relatively long history and the phrase was used by Hu Jin Tao. see the Wikipedia entry, YouTube example (cyberspace community) and government and party publications.
Note that the Chinese claim we accept Taiwan as part of China, and the actual text of relevant documents in Chinese and English says Australia recognises that China claims Taiwan as part of China (but does not agree or disagree with this claim).
Basically half of Australia had no internet or phone calls for much of November 8, 2023. This means some shops could not execute transactions, and amounts to much more than not being able to doomscroll instagram. It is the biggest connectivity outage in my personal memory.