Zombie Dodo Droppings: This Weeks Collection of Bad But Publicly Influential CCP Shillage.
We can't rebut all the nonsense out there, but you should be aware of what our opponents have done. Here are some we spotted but you may have missed, and a few pointers on why we think it's bollocks.
Australian Antarctic Territory
This one we found out about by readers contacting us - like heaps of them. Maybe you already read it because somebody forwarded it to you because it was so stupid. We provide it to keep you in the loop in case.
Australia’s Concerns About Antarctica Are Overblown AFR August 5, Yun Jiang.
But better read this first:
16 FEBRUARY 2022 Meeting Antarctica’s diplomatic challenges: Joint approaches for Australia and the United States. By Evan T Bloom
and this
31 MARCH 2022 Coming into the Cold: China’s interests in the Antarctic By Anthony Bergin and Anthony J Press.
In fact ASPI have put a heap of effort into thingking and researching Antarctic issues, but the average Australian probably hasn’t. This makes us vulnerable to misinformation on this unexpectedly important topic. Trawl their website for good stuff, especially from Anne - Marie Brady.
ASPI have a huge advantage that so many interesting China related topics are mysteriously untouched by university based academics, making them almost the only game in town. And then decide if Australia’s concerns are overblown. Perhaps we should CUT cooperation with China on Antarctica until outstanding issues (hostages, trade, cyber attacks, influence ops, and the rest) have been sorted out to our satisfaction.
For a primer rather than reading long reports, Elizabeth Buchanan got straight to the point in the AFR on April, 12 2021 “China’s Antarctic interest signals a new Cold War” all key points remain current.
Taiwan got lots of discussion thanks to the Pelosi visit successfully raising Taiwan’s international profile and generating global support. There were a few dissenters: - China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and Guy Rundle at Crikey August 11.
No war for Taiwan! Stupidity and imperialist thinking march us to disaster
Rundle argued:
Australia should publicly rule out any possibility we would ever join the US in a war to defend Taiwan against Chinese attack.
Sun Tzu Art of War opening lines: “The art of war, is the art of deception” you know, like Xi standing on the White House lawn with Obama and promising never to militarise the South China Sea. Even if we are unable to make a significant contribution, if multiple small countries, providing bases and some weapons PRETEND they might help the US and Taiwan, this means China needs to factor it into their planning, which makes it harder for them.
China Owns Taiwan
Australia “owns” Tasmania. Irrespective of what the Australian constitution says about this, if the Tasmanians want to leave the Federation, I’ll listen to their point of view and not kill them.
After much incoherent rambling about race and indigneity, Rundle reveals opposition to the concept of universal values. So what does he think is better ? Mao Zedong thought imposed at the point of a gun ?
He “supports multilateralism” sounds reasonable, but it’s not. Hey Guy, we read the People’s Daily too - this kind of multilateralism is power of Russia and China over innocent countries - get nicked.
We need to spread the understanding that the United States will soon be leaving the Western Hemisphere
This has two parts:
1 We need to spread the understanding:
We need to repeat Chinese propaganda in order to cultivate a feeling of helplessness in the free world.
2 The United States will soon be leaving the Western Hemisphere:
Let’s give Rundle the benefit of the doubt and assume he meant Western Pacific or something actually correct. US is leaving ?
Not if Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Australia, India, a newly energised NATO and a growing force of others have anything to do with it. Gone are the days of leaving everything to the US, but they remain a big player and have the advantage of having a defensible home base NOT in Asia, which is what we think he meant,… but it is a very rambling piece of writing.
On the other hand maybe he thought the US WAS leaving the Americas ? Leaving for the metaverse perhaps ? 335 million people following Elon to Mars ? It is a verrrrry rambling piece. I mostly only understood the bits that were the same as the Peoples Daily.
We need to be building independent neutral military capacity.
HMMM, China would love that. Negotiate country to country, like an elephant and a mouse, animal to animal — fair right ? No thanks.
No war for Taiwan, not one Australian soldier, not one Australian dollar.
Whether we join or try to stay neutral, to continue operating as a country, to continue fighting, China will need our iron ore. Gas and coal would be nice too. We don’t need to send, and might not be able to send, actual troops or even ships and planes, in time. Nonetheless, we can play a very big role, just by cutting off iron ore, which might cost us as much in lost revenue as having our military destroyed, but might make more difference to the overall effort than any other contribution. This is what would bring the war to our doorstep. It would not be easy.
Rundle no doubt, is happy with steel from Australian iron ore turned into bombs destined for Taiwanese hospitals and kindergartens.
We All Need Re-Education…..All In All Let’s Just, Rebuild The Wall…
Roger Waters became an expert on Taiwan Affairs this week, because everyone else is as well these days…
Taiwan’s history is long and convoluted. It is worth reading about as Rogers suggests. Rogers appears to think that Taiwan belongs to China. Seems he has not spoken to anyone in Taiwan. Or read beyond the Global Times. Perhaps he thinks the US belongs to the UK too. I wouldn’t want to get him started on the ethics of nuking Cardiff to ward off Welsh secessionism.
Rogers is a very misunderstood character. When Pink Floyd played at the Berlin Wall after it came down, the public thought it was a celebration of the end of Communism in Europe. We know now, for Rogers, it was a lament at the loss of Russia’s ability to impose a fictitious political and economic system on Central Europe.
Fast forward to 1:30 or thereabouts. We suggest Rogers is comfortably numb to unfortunate truths. And we’re curious about what exactly is he reading ? Russia Times and Global Times perhaps ? Chinese Embassy website ? Sure isn’t any Taiwan media.
He would not be the first old rocker to try the attention seeking stunt to remind people he is still alive. Remember Cat Stevens / Yusuf Islam ?
Famous for “Ride On The Peace Train” :
Note his first, telling, comments about making money, before he starts singing.
Hope he’s happy now
Don’t let the Shills get you down. Truth and Justice will prevail. But it’s up to us to make it happen.
Hong Kong young people have not given up - as this graduation video proves.
CCP shillage is dangerous. We are here to clean up the Zombie Dodo Droppings. When you see CCP aligned nonsense in the media, please forward it to us at:
email: simonjiandannew@outlook.com
twitter: jiandie131