Making Politicians Back Team Australia - Sticks, Clubs and Carrots: Part 4 of 4
Punishment and Incentives to Produce Patriotic, Unified Conduct From Our Political Representatives. Disrupt Dastayardly Deeds. Part 4 of 4. Published 30 July 2022.
Link to Dastayari story SMH 30 Nov 2017
Screenshot from SMH 30 Nov 2017: I would title it, “CCP appointed self described Governor General of the Chinese in Australia, Huang Xiang Mo and Sock Puppet Sam Dastayari at a press conference for the purposes of exposure in Chinese media to create the impression Huang is equally important to an elected official and is recognised as such by the Australian government”.
Fighting China’s influence and interference in Australia is a complex issue and will involve evolving the strategies as we make efforts - Learning while doing, feeling the stones while crossing the river. When governments fail the people must prevail. The following are four initial steps that Freedom Alliance members will take.
1) Education and Communication.
Ideally ASIO or another government body would brief new politicians on influence and interference issues subsequent to being elected, on a regular basis, and as events or their own actions require. The extent to which this may already be happening is not publicly known. There is also a counter argument that the security services should serve the people based on the delegated authority of democratically elected representatives, and should not be telling MP’s what to do or who to meet with.
To fill the gaps and apply pressure, Freedom Alliance members should request to meet with newly elected MP’s or candidates in the run up to an election to voice concerns and persuade MP’s to adopt (formally or informally) the code of conduct for engaging with Chinese official representation, United Front Groups, Chinese Language Media, and Think Tanks. Play nicely, hope for the best, remove ignorance as an excuse, let them know we are watching.
2) Monitor, Publicise, Discuss, Roast:
Groups within Freedom Alliance should be formed to monitor their local members at State and Federal level, and representatives at council level, through traditional and social media. This is not hard work, it’s basically reading the news but keeping an eye out for what your local representative is up to. When inappropriate behaviour is spotted, a well written less than one A4 page letter to the offending MP clearly outlining the problems with what they have done may help, especially if ignorance is the cause.
A good roasting on social media may also be strategically beneficial. When we say “roasting” we mean making clear what has been done wrong, in a way that loses votes and support for the offenders. Politicians engage with CCP proxies and allies for funds and votes. They must learn that in chasing these benefits there are costs attached, the loss of funds and votes from enemies of the CCP (aka “the good guys”), voters who will no longer be taken for granted. Historically language barriers made following Chinese language media reporting hard, we can recruit highly motivated members with strong Chinese language skills, and machine translation is already great and will continue to improve. It is no longer possible for politicians to hide behind language barriers when their meetings or communications are only reported in one language through a limited media circulation.
3) Political Action:
Plan A: Joining Existing Political Parties:
CCP members enthusiastically join all major parties in Australia to further the CCP cause. Ironically this eventually might get some of them to appreciate democracy. In the meantime, however, to counter their influence, Freedom Alliance members should join political parties and make noise internally. Raise issues in party meetings, through questions, motions and if relevant, objecting to preselection of candidates with collaborationist leanings or behaviours. All political parties are likely to already have current members who will be sympathetic to the cause of Sovereignty, Freedom and Democracy. The problem is that they take the political trinity for granted, not appreciating how much has already been lost and how much worse it can get.
Plan B: Democratic Alliance Candidates:
Democratic Alliance (DA) exists as a registered political party with candidates and support teams who have campaign and media experience, an understanding of the rules and regulations governing political campaigns and the processes attached. In lower house electorates where the sitting members or candidates are clearly in the CCP camp and who’s electoral success would yield strategic advantage to the cause of advancing CCP interests in Australia, it will be necessary to run DA candidates. A candidate can participate in public candidate debates, and expose the wrong actions and intentions of the other candidates. They can get media attention to the cause in multiple ways, and they can get votes and shift preferences. They may even win. More realistic in the short term is the damage they can do to politicians who undermine the national negotiation led by the Federal government, and the publicity that can assist getting upper house representatives elected under the Democratic Alliance banner.
4) Direct Action / Protest:
An event like celebration of 25 years of CCP control of Hong Kong, now, after the introduction of the national security law is offensive to decent human beings. Appropriately conducted physical protest might have raised it’s profile and reminded the public of the CCP’s wrongdoing, as well as bringing substantial embarrassment to Australian politicians who attended. Building the capacity to field adequate numbers of the right type of protestors at short notice, (ie people who can be relied upon to behave responsibly) is an important asset that needs to be built as the struggle intensifies and the public get tired and jaded on this issue. This will also require research and information gathering to know about offensive events with sufficient time before they happen.
Malcolm Turnbull said “Australia has stood up”. This was presumptuous. Some laws were passed, it was a start, but it requires a whole of community effort to truly stand up and stay up. Many of their advances of the last decades need to be unwound. The struggle against China will be a normal part of the existence of Australia going forward, and the kind of nation we become will be the result of how successfully we unite and fight. Chris Minns once said every student should learn Mandarin. He’s on the right track there, ironically. We need to learn more about China, to move beyond “你好”,(ni hao / are you well) , “吃饱了没?” (Chi bao le mei / have you eaten? ) and graduate to 澳洲万岁!民主不败 !
Look it up, it's time we all knew it, believe it and live it.