Hi all. Richard here. Following up on my article on “What is an Wumao”, I’d like to show you guys the outrageous and funniest shit Wumao post on Twitter. In this article I shall show you what the Wumao post about the Taiwanese on Twitter.
A Targeted Attack
There are Wumao accounts created specifically to attack Taiwanese and troll threads on the topic of Taiwan. Here are three examples:
The Bane of Taiwan Separatists
And here is a third, who has since disappeared off the face off the planet, but I still managed to capture a screenshot of his account before he disappeared.
As I mentioned in my earlier article, Wumao love calling Taiwanese Frogs, and they love to state how Taiwanese are the lapdogs of the Americans and Japanese.
These days, as tweets are reported, and accounts suspended, it has become a war of memes, with Wumaos posting memes like this
And in response our side respond with memes like this
An example of what a regular Wumao would say to a Taiwanese they encounter on Twitter:
Basically, the above tweet proves my point about how Wumao call Taiwanese people, Taiwan Frogs, and they are the lapdogs of their American and Japanese Masters. Do click translate if you are unable to read Mandarin Chinese.
Further Examples
Building a Crematorium in Taiwan
The trouble is, many of the accounts have been suspended or deactivated, so I can only find screenshots of the threads, not the actual threads themselves.
Whilst calling Taiwanese ‘Hanjian Gou’, or traitor dogs, the author of this article likes to point out under Sun Yat Sen, the KMT was the democratically elected government of China, and shed blood during the Second World War, fighting off the Japanese. This allowed the Communists to build up their strength, and drive out the KMT in 1949, from Beijing to Taiwan. Therefor, I like to argue, the real ‘Hanjian’ or traitors, are the CCP, and that the legitimate government of China has, and always will be the government of Taiwan.
Further, the majority of Taiwanese, having seen how badly managed China is today under the CCP. Look at the liquidity crisis in Henan and Shenzhen. Look at the Real Estate Crisis. Look at the population demographic crisis where the Mainland Chinese population is expected to halve by 2045. Taiwan wants no part of that, thank you very much.
Further, I know why China really wants to re-take Taiwan:
For Taiwan’s Smart Chip Industry. China-made smart chips absolutely sucks.
For Taiwan’s large FOREX and Gold reserves
Taiwan’s rich agriculture. China is running out of food.
If you want all that, you going to have to come and take them by force, China. Are you up for the challenge?
Just, stay in your lane China, and the CCP. Leave Taiwan alone.
Richard Waters is an Anti CCP activist by night, debunking CCP propaganda on social media. Follow him on Twitter at @Chai_Latte88, and on Blogger
Richard’s Vampire Fiction Novel, Blood Moon Rising, is out now, for FREE, on Wattpad
Please direct all business inquiries to RichardWaters2050@Gmail.com